For dovetail joinery, attach these alignment guides to the black base of the variable guide rails. Assemble as pictured on the guide rail base using the supplied 10-32 cap screws, lock washers, and nuts. When installing, the green wings should be set to 0-degrees and flush to the acrylic router plate.
Cut the dovetail sockets (tails) first using a dovetail bit with the green wings at the 0-degree setting. Next, the dovetail bit is replaced with a straight or spiral bit to cut the mating pins, with the green wings then set to the dovetail angle. This change opens a gap allowing the router to rotate to the dovetail angle to cut the dovetail pins. You can adjust the pins for tightness of fit by moving the black bases to a different guide rail setting. The alignment guides are essential to keep the guide rail bases aligned with the edge of the aluminum base plate during this movement.